November 03, 2009

PSXE Poll Update: Who Says Stories Aren't Important?

Metal Gear Solid 4

If this doesn't prove that PSX Extreme has a very unique community, absolutely nothing does.

While we all know that gameplay is always the most important factor in any video game (this is an interactive hobby, after all), we wanted to know what you guys considered to be the second most important element. And we were certain that graphics would run away with the most votes this week; we can guarantee it would at most every other major gaming site on the 'Net. But we kinda forgot how many RPG fans we've got around here, and just how excited many of you are about upcoming games like Heavy Rain and Final Fantasy XIII. Oh, and let's not forget that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, a game that was essentially defined by its outstanding story, is also greatly beloved 'round these parts. Graphics did come in third and it was sort of close, but the fact that story is so important to so many should only prove to developers that we really do appreciate quality scripts, excellent character development, and well-implemented and choreographed cut-scenes.

This week, considering that Bayonetta has been in the news a lot, we're just gonna ask: who do you think is the hottest video game vixen of the generation thus far? Of course, we can only give you 10 options so we can't satisfy everyone but we tried to hit the highlights. And while we realize that girls like Bayonetta and Madison from Heavy Rain haven't graced our TV screens just yet, it's plenty easy to check 'em out...Madison has been topless already, remember? So who gets your vote? And oh yeah, because all the Dead or Alive girls are designed to be perfect, they're all included in one category.

source: PSXE Poll Update: Who Says Stories Aren't Important? - PSP News

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